Bottom Fishing: Everything You Need to Know

Bottom Fishing: Everything You Need to Know

What is Bottom Fishing? Bottom fishing, as the name suggests, is a simple yet effective fishing method that targets fish dwelling at the bottom of the water column. This technique is all about lowering your bait right down to the seabed, where a whole host of interesting sea creatures call home. Now, one might think bottom fishing sounds straightforward, but trust me, there’s more than meets the eye. Stick around as we dive deeper into…

Drift Fishing: Understanding the Technique

Drift Fishing: Understanding the Technique

What is Drift Fishing? Drift fishing, a highly popular angling technique, is often considered an art as much as it is a sport. It involves allowing a boat to drift naturally with the current or wind, presenting a more natural and appetizing bait to the fish, thereby increasing the chances of a successful catch. How to Drift Fish In drift fishing, the natural movement of the boat plays a crucial role in making the bait…